I recently returned from a trip to India. As you know 10% of all Hot Yoga classes go towards charitable projects in the UK and abroad. This year the money raised went towards very needed eye operations and food for an orphanage. Thanks to everyone who contributed by coming to the hot classes, it was great to see the happiness on the faces of the people we helped.
Giving to charity or feeding the poor is a action suggested in the Vedas (ancient Hindu text about Yoga). The Vedas tell us that giving to those in need is our duty if we have money and food left over after taking care of our own family. The karmic implications of gathering wealth for ourselves is purified if we give some of it away to those that have none. When we give in a selfless way, our own negative Karma’s are dissolved. Working with the poor and needy is usually a requirement of anyone on the spiritual path, serving others is very grounding Yogic practice and can help balance the rising Kundalini from advanced Yogic meditation.
There was a famous saint from the 1960’s called Neem Karoli Baba. When young Hippies from the peace and love movement came to him asking for esoteric Yogic practices to awaken their Kundalini, he simply said “Feed People”.
Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu, Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.
May all beings in all the 3 worlds be happy and peaceful.
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