What too look out for in this posture:
- The bent knee in line with the standing leg
- Ensure you’re not gripping the toes with the standing leg
Benefits to the tree posture
- Helps concentration and gives you balance
- Tones the legs
Ever wish you had the strength, balance and composure of a tree?
The sanskrit word “Vrksa” means tree and the sanskrit word “asana” means pose, therefore Vrksasana simply means Tree Pose. Vrksasana is a balancing pose, and it is an excellent way to get centred and through time, help improve concentration. The pose is meant to show the balance and calmness of a tree.
When trying to find stability while doing Vrksasana, you can envision a tree rooting deeply into the earth. Imagine your feet are roots fixed deep into the ground. Vrksasana teaches us the importance of foundation – both foot stability and pelvic stability are key to balancing properly. Even during a mentally or physically challenging time, Vrksasana teaches us to be strong and unwaivering just like a tree. Vrksasana can also help build confidence.
Trees are symbolic in many cultures. Trees represent the interconnectedness of all life on our planet. Envisioning a tree in Vrksasana also reminds us to breathe. Trees are our breathing partners. We depend on trees for oxygen, and trees depend on us for carbon dioxide. Vrksasana is a wonderful reminder that by simply breathing, we are living.
Besides all of the above reasons to do Vrksasana, the pose also strengthens ankles, legs and spine and opens the hips. When trying this pose, move slowly, and in stages. Get the proper alignment, and find your breath. Have fun and be patient with yourself!
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